Wallet Deposit and Withdraw

Step-by-step Tutorial: How to Deposit and Withdraw ETH on NFEX?

As a decentralized and self-custodial DEX, NFEX is extremely safe to use, and users’ funds are locked into smart contracts rather than held by a centralized exchange. The traders themselves are the only ones with access to their assets. Please keep your assets safe!

Before you start trading perpetual contracts at NFEX, you need to deposit ETH into your NFEX perpetual account. You are able to withdraw your assets from your NFEX perpetual account at any time.

You'll need to make some preparations before you can deposit and withdraw funds.


  1. An Ethereum wallet such as MetaMask. Don't have one? Follow this guideline.

  2. Make sure your wallet is connected to the Ethereum Network.

  3. Please keep in mind that each deposit and withdrawal transaction between your available wallet and NFEX account can cost you certain gas fee. But after your deposits, you don't need to pay gas fees for trading pereptual contracts at NFEX once the on-chain deposits are done.

  4. Make sure to prepare enough ETH in your wallet for gas fees.

How to Deposit ETH to NFEX?

Step 1: Head over to nfex.io and connect wallet to onboard

After entering the home page (www.nfex.io ), check and ensure you are connected to the Ethereum Network.

Then, click one of the two tabs to find the wallet connection page: "Get Started" on the left side of the page or "Connect Wallet" at the top right of the page.

Select your Ethereum wallet, such as MetaMask, and click on it. Sign in your connection with a signature, and then you will come into the trading dashboard.

Step 2: Deposit funds

After you've connected your wallet, you'll come to the trading page.

Now all you need do is to find the deposit and withdraw section on the bottom left of the page and click on the "Deposit" button.

Enter the amount you want to deposit, and click the "Confirm" button to send the transaction to your wallet. After confirmation, your wallet will pop up and ask you to verify. Click on "Confirm" to approve your deposit.

After your transaction is verified on the Ethereum Network, you can view your deposited assets at Funds Transfer at Profile page.

How to Withdraw ETH from NFEX?

The withdrawing process is just like depositing.

Enter amount and click on "Confirm Withdraw"

Find the wallet popup and verify your transaction by clicking "Confirm." After the Ethereum Network verifies the transaction, your withdrawal is completed successfully.

Last updated